
The program is a unique synthesis of humanities and science disciplines.

In Geneva, the teaching of specialized disciplines (including lectures and seminars by foreign professors, representatives of international organizations such as the United Nations, the World Meteorological Organization, as well as practitioners, partners of consulting firms) is conducted in English.

In parallel, languages are taught intensively throughout the curriculum.


* There may be changes in the curriculum. Below are just some of the curriculum disciplines.


The Center's leaders are collaborators and Advisory Boards members of key international educational programs and projects, such as:
International Economic Policy
Climate, Alternative and Green Energy
Global Geo-Environmental Issues
Nuclear Energy, Safety and Security and Nuclear Law
Assessment of Environmental Damage and Liability for Environmental Damage
Advanced Technologies and Development Prospects in the Fuel and Energy Complex
Environmental Problems of Oil Development and Transportation
Environmental Problems of the Global Fuel and Energy Complex
Environmental Factor in International Economic Relations
Environmental Activities of the UN
Global and Regional Environmental Change
Environmental Management and Audit
Economics of the Oil and Gas Sector and Energy Policy Issues
International Energy Security
Multilateral Climate Diplomacy
Climate Policy and Decarbonization
Water Resources and International Water Law
Environmental Policy of the European Union
Climate Change: Modeling, Impact Assessment
International Cooperation and Sustainable Development
Environmental Management in the Corporate Sector
Rational Use of Natural Resources
International Energy Policy
Smart Cities
Challenges of Sustainable Development